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Clear baskets

Photo du rédacteur: Wool MoodWool Mood

Having enough space for storage is fabulous but you lose this advantage when you spend so much time finding what you're looking for in many boxes, baskets and cabinets. Something transparent appears to be the best solution to store my sewing stuff, just a quick look and I can see what I have !

As I like creating by myself what I need, I decided to make my own baskets in transparent plastic, the same that I used for the toy's bags in the past. I had the idea in my mind for a long time now, but often, easier is the idea than the realization ! It's not at all the case here to make a plastic basket, it's super easy ! That's why I propose a tutorial for you on my website if you want to Do It Yourself. Yes, it's indeed "DIY", I'm using for the first time in my blog this too fashionable expression of the blogosphere!

Useful everywhere in the house, for parents or kids as well, you can put inside all sorts of things : jewels, hair accessories, small treasures or candies...etc. You can change the color of the bias as well as the plastic color. Let me know if you try to make one and don't hesitate to contact me if you need some help !

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