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Photo du rédacteurWool Mood

My little print fabrics envelopes : DIY

Last words about Louisa's birthday : cute fabrics envelopes to be thankful. Because here in the US we make cards for many events, don't forget the thank you letter after a birthday party as I did for my firsts years here !

If you wish to make this fabrics envelopes, you can see the list of everything you need on the picture below. Actually, I write you the list here: an unfolded envelope of the size of you choice, scraps of fabrics (size according the measures of you envelope pattern), double stick fusible web, spray starch and serrated scissors.

If you have all the ingredients, here is the recipe :Start by ironing the fabrics, trace the envelopes shape and cut the fabrics with serrated scissors. Fold and iron the fabric like a real envelope. Then, put little pieces of fusible tape where envelopes are normally folded and stuck. At the end, you can add some starch to give more rigidity to thin fabrics (especially for cotton voile like Libertys). Here we go ! It's fast, easy and pretty ! No needle nor sewing machine ! But be careful with young kids, we use principaly the iron.

You can make them for Valentines, wedding or whatever… For the card, personaly I have a preference for something plain, very basic, to contrast with very colorful envelopes. By the way, if you imagine something prettier to close the envelopes instead of tape, let me know, I'm interested !

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