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Two sparkle lunch bags !

New lunch bags in sparkle vinyl for my two little ones !

I think that my kids are the hardest clients. I’m still impressed by the precision of their requests. Louisa wanted a sparkle blue lunch bag with neon stars and Marilou, the essential was to get a lot of pink and mainly, a princess.

I couldn’t wait for the next school year to make new lunch bags for them even if they already got ones recently made. In fact, they complained that lunch bags that I make for other people are better than theirs. I felt guilty. I have to confess that my kids are still happy getting my new creations but in general, corresponding to the prototypes… In first they are happy to get a new creation, but as soon as they can see the next models (often made with other fabrics and improvements) they regret to have the first version.

This time, I think they got the best lunch bag I have ever made. They completely matched with their request and little by little, I improved the conception technics. These lunch bags have the perfect size to put any kind of containers, there are no visible seams inside, as you can see they have a fully opening and even a little matched purse to put the cutlery. Not easy to sew this sparkle upholstery vinyl but its thinkness plus isotherm liner provide a very good rigidity. As usual there is nylon liner inside. It was longer to make this kind of model than the previous lunch bags but it’s worth doing it.

I have to mention just one deception from Marilou : her princess doesn’t have any eyes, hard to understand it's a sihouette but I will rectify that soon ;)

Of course it wasn’t just by culpability that I made them. It’s still so delightful to give satisfaction to our children and being proud of your work !

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