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Photo du rédacteurWool Mood

Caring my home #1

I'm still making new little things in my home, my house is like a show room of every ideas I try and explore. I called this new rubric "Caring my home" because I'm starting a long list of singular but creative and nice things to show you and I'm going to proceed step by step.

Classes keep me very busy, I love to create new projects for teaching and communicate but I also try to save as much time as I can to sew and create for my kids, my house and myself. Tons of pics and posts are coming up! And so many things already sketched in my bedside notepad or a pile of patterns on my to do list… By the way, I would also like to do a new rubric called "Caring my wardrobe" to show you all my hand-made clothes (I love more and more sewing knitting fabrics with serger) I keep that somewhere in my mind for later...

Today, I started with the curtains of Louisa and Marilou's bedroom. In fact, except the hem, it wasn't really a sewing project, I have just customized these black cotton curtains sold by our Swedish friend. We can't see on the pic, but they are painted with silver sparkly paint. It's very fine but very shiny, it looks really nice in their big bedroom.

What you can't see but maybe guess is the desperate mom I am, still fighting the light in my kids bedroom surrounded by windows. Now, I have to brave the ceiling windows located 15 feet upper if I want total darkness … But what couldn't we do, us parents, to sleep late on Sundays?

Have a good day, oh maybe where you are, I should say Good night !

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