Three years later having named my blog “My Little Print Fabrics” at least, my name makes more sense! Today, it’s not without emotion that I introduce you my little print fabrics, yes my very own fabrics!

I had this project in mind for such a long time! People around me are aware; talking about this obsession very often: turning our pictures taken everywhere on our way (by hubby and I) into fabrics. So many amazing pictures we have from our numerous family trips, vegetal, animal or even urban, that I imagine transferred onto fabrics, for clothes as well as for home decoration.

Here, for the moment, I introduce 4 fabrics made with our pictures: Renonculus fields in Carlsbad (California), Birds in la Paz (Mexico), Trees in Big Island (Hawaii) and Humming birds in San Diego (in our backyard :)).

For the moment it’s just a test on a few samples, to figure out how it really looks like: the image printed on fabric (resolution, quality and texture of different types of fabrics…etc). I ordered them on cotton voile, a light enough material to realize garment or household decoration. It’s not the best quality ever like a Liberty Art Fabric but not so bad. And even if there were disappointments and compromises during the realization (size of the photo and final size of the fabric), I’m pretty satisfied of the look in real.

When you print a photo on fabric, it’s important to have in mind the project you plan to do so as you are supposed to print the picture directly with the right size for the project. It wasn’t at all my case! I had too many projects in mind (like blouse, dress, skirt, pillowcase, plaid…) to be able to define each potential project for each picture. That’s why I worked pretty blind, trying to get a panel as large as possible repeating the same pattern and trying to minimize the visibility of the transitions, not easy! (btw, Photoshop is not my best friend...).

I persevered because I wished fabrics that make you travel: real pictures showing beauty of any type of landscape, mainly wildlife but not only, this was my goal.These fabrics talk about nature but I wouldn’t like to exclude urban places, roads and buildings in the next projects and I already have good ones aside. I don’t know the incredible yardage I would request if I could make all the fabrics I want!

For the moment, I have tons of ideas to use this 4 ones, I just need to take initiatives for the right cut they deserve. I already imagine the “Big Island Hawaiian Canopy” into a long and straight blouse or a couch cover as my friend Cl. suggested me. With the “Carlsbald Ranunculus Flowers Fields” certainly a pretty skirt or a simple tank as my friend B. told me today ;).
Ahahh, so hard to decide!!!
And you, how do they imagine them? Would you have suggestions? I'm curious to know what you think!