Printing and sewing along and still inspired by my surroundings in Southern California: eucalyptus blown by the wind, agaves growing everywhere, blooming poppies, bees flying here and there and as always, cacti and succulents all over the canyons.

For those who follow me here and there, you got to know a bit of my print making. Printing on linen, wool felt, canvas, cotton cloth, blue jean and always enjoying the process versatility with different fibers.

Printing with colors, mixing and matching designs, I enjoyed filling the blank of these kitchen towels. But maybe you will tell me that these are too pretty to be dedicated for kitchen use. I was tempted indeed to turn them into scarves...

Lately, I successfully experimented new mediums such as balsa and cork, which is great to create nice and unique homedecor goods. Here are my cactus coasters perfect for margarita and my trio of tropical table-mats.

These designs inspired me a collection of about 20 different fabrics based on the beautiful Pacific coast fauna and flora. I used my favorite color palette and make it simple, pure and graphic. Here is one with humpback whales picked in the collection.

Now, I just keep my fingers crossed, hoping a fabric company will get interest for my work and that you and me or anybody else, will be able be to sew with my fabrics...
