Hello! I'm back here to share a new DIY for your home, done in my house and approved by the whole family!

If like me, you are bored by the classic look of your closet, you can certainly do a little something without changing it entirely. Today, I'm going to show how I gave a more contemporary touch to the doors of my dressing cabinets just by switching the knobs by a piece of leather.
In our master bedroom just below the roof, we have optimized the space under the ceiling with custom cabinets to take advantage of the volume. The carpenter did a great job and made incredible XXL drawers that I appreciate every single day. The regular wooden knobs he put on the doors were supposed to be temporary and I was in charge to get more fancy ones after the works. Over time, I never did it and moving away for 8 years didn't help to make it happen.
If you follow me a little bit, here or there, you may have noticed that I love (even obsessed) by vegetable tanned leather. One more time, I included this material in my crafty work. This DIY is certainly the cheapest way to create your cabinet knobs. On top of that, it's very easy to grab the supplies : beside a piece of vegetable leather or scraps, get a puncher, a screwer and some basic tools like a ruler, scissors and a pencil.

If you have regular knobs with a single mounting hole like mines, this tutorial may work whatever type of knobs you have.


Take all the knobs off and keep all the pieces aside : knobs + screws.
Cut as many leather pieces as door knobs you removed. I cut a few long strips of leather 3/4" wide and then, I re-cut the strips in pieces of 3,5" long.
Leather piece : 3/4" x 3"
I love to cut leather with my fabric rotary cutter because it looks neater and it's faster, but scissors works well too.

Fold each piece of leather in half and punch them on the top of the raw edges to create a hole on every end.

Once you have a hole in every piece, put the screws previously removed from the doors into the leather pieces. Screw them on the doors in the holes of the old knobs. On the opposite side (into the closet), put the knobs to keep the screw in place and protect the pointy side. Repeat on every door.

And in case the inside knob bumps on a shelf and you cannot close the door, put the knob away. Use a different screw to maintain the leather piece without the knob on the other side. Pick a bigger but, shorter screw, short enough to have no pointy tip popping out the other side of the door. It should hold on by itself if the screw is bigger than the original one.

Personally, I reused the original screws but you can also improve the look by picking some nice screws in a hardware store. You should find various metallic colors such as copper, black, silver...etc. Have fun!

If you liked this tutorial, don't hesitate to share it and if it inspires you, let me know what you did, I will be happy to see your before and after!