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Here are several tutorials for kids and grown-up as well. I'm happy to share my creations but don't forget to consider the labor for making them. If like me, you love sharing your creations, I would appreciate you give the origin or tag me in your posts. And don't hesitate to give me your feedback! 


Thank you and happy sewing & crafting!

My Pretty Case !





























  • 35 x 22 cm of fabric (outside)

  • 35 x 22 cm of fabric (inside)

  • 35 x 22 cm of featherweight fusible interfacing, just in case you use a light fabric for outside

  • 45 cm of trim (rick rack, piping, pompoms…)

  • 20,5 x 10 cm of clear plastic

  • Assorted thread

  • Buttons


Download and enjoy the tutorial :

Turn a slap band in a pretty bracelet

Maybe your kids already got a slap band in a goody bag or somewhere else. If you don’t know yet this kind of funny bracelet (that when you slap it on your arm, it turn itself around the wrist) you can purchase them anywhere, in toys shops or drugstores as well for less than $1. In general, decoration isn’t very pretty but it’s so easy to customize !


If you have scraps of fabrics, tulle, pompoms you can make this customization easily. Take the first plastic or fabric band off and keep the slap band. You can use the first band cover like a pattern for the new one. Make the new cover with the fabric of your choice and put it on the band. You can either put ornaments before or after covering the band, it’s up to you ! Very often it’s easier for kids to sew the decoration after, so as to avoid sewing both sides of bracelet together. Et voilà !


No sewing machine? Use fusible web tape ! Here is just an idea, but use your imagination and put other pretty ornaments !




The hair-clips wallet


For traveling or just to put hair accessories at your home, kids and tweens as well will love their tiny hair-clips wallet !


Note for the sewist : Too small to put all your stuff ? Make it bigger with more pockets by changing the measures of the width and lenght ! 
























You need :


- Less than a fat quarter of fabrics to get : 


2 rectangles of 20 cm/16 cm for inside and outside


1 rectangle of 12 cm/16 cm for the pocket


1 rectangle of 6 cm/4 cm to attach the wallet


- 2 Kam plastic snap buttons to attach


- 2 ribbons pieces od 16 cm for the hair-clips


- assorted thread for the machine 



Now you have every supplies, you are ready to follow step by step the instructions written on the pictures here below : 






Have fun organizing your stuff !
The tiny bunting 


A pretty accessory to decorate a birthday cake and easy to realize with a kid !


Note for the sewist : After the party, you can use it as a decoration for your doll house (take the skewers off), for embelishment of the plants and even like a neckless. 

















You need :


- 2,3 or 4 different scraps of fabric (I used 3),


- a peace of small rickrack (about 60 cm),


- fabric glue,


- thread for the machine, 


- pattern : a triangle of 4 cm / 4 cm / 3 cm,


- Bamboo skewers


- a glue gun or regular glue 



Tips :

- Instead of the rickrack, you can use whatever you want to attach the triangles  and play with different trims: metalic or neon ribbons, bias or whatever you have.

- You can make different shapes, rectangles, hearts, circles, etc.

- You can make it smaller and linear, not a circle with 2 bamboo skewers for a small cake. 


Now, you are ready to follow step by step the instructions written on the pictures here below : 



little pincushion bracelet 


Cute and very useful project  !

















You need :


- a fabric circle (15 cm diameter)


- stuffing 


- a lid jar (with ring and falt lid),


- an elastic band (size according your wrist), 


- a piece of cardboad to cut in circle of the diameter's lid.



In extra : trims to decorate around the cushion and the elastic, pompom, beads or whatever...


Stools : a glue gun and a stapler.


And follow the pictures step by step... 



the Clear basket


Fun and super easy even without stitch for crafters !

You need :

- A transparent plastic sheet 50 cm x 29 cm to get a rectangle basket


- Bias tape "extra wide, double fold" 52 cm (4 x 13 cm)


- Assorted thread

- or masking tape of your choice to avoid sewing. Less strong but pretty as well!

See the photo of the basket with pink masking tape at the bottom of this page.


And follow the pictures step by step... 


A few notes to help you :


- To cut the plastic sheet you can hold the pattern with tape and take it off after, see

pictures 1, 2



- Fold and iron each end (0,5 cm) on both sides of the 4 bias pieces of 13 cm to get them 12 cm, see picture #4



- Pin together every sides and the bias on each corners, see picture #5



- Use a large straight stitch,(3 on on my sewing machine). With vinyl and plastic it's better to sew with a quite large stitch to create a more robust seam, see picture #6



- You can change the dimensions of the pattern to get a square by 29 cm x 29 cm

Wool Mood, 2025

Textile art - creation
Kid's sewing
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